Kodak Instamatic Camera

Photos Page 6

Here's a collection that is so old that colour photos hadn't been invented yet!

Don't forget... If you've got any photos like these, just email them to us via the Contact Us page, and we'll do the rest!

Thanks to Rob Furborough (and his Mum) for these.

Varina Nourish and Steve Stretton
Varina Nourish and Steve Stretton.
Tony 'AJ' Moore, Henry McGrattan, Rob Furborough and Robin Ronchetti
Tony 'AJ' Moore, Henry McGrattan, Rob Furborough and Robin Ronchetti.
Pete Wileman, Glen Andrews and Rob Furborough
Pete Wileman, Glen Andrews and Rob Furborough.
Mick Carson and 'Plum' Robinson
Mick Carson and 'Plum' Robinson.
Nita and Pete Wileman, Cres Dixon and Rob Furborough
Nita and Pete Wileman, Cres Dixon and Rob Furborough.
Henry, AJ, Ada, Unknown, Rob, Dave and Robin
Henry McGrattan, AJ, Ada.
Unknown, Rob Furborough, Dave Cambell, Robin Ronchetti.